
Chapter Executive


Patrice Huard

Luc Brazeau
Vice  President

Anne-Marie Samson
Secretary and Communications Director

Mathieu Soares

Kamel Bouazza Abid
Director of Relations with Suppliers

Sébastien Faucher
Assistant Director

Ghilas Issaadi
Assistant Director

François Lafleur

Michel Laforge
Training and Certification Director

Louis Lavallée
Membership Director

David Lévesque
Director of Reception Services

Francis Provost
Technical Director

Bertrand Séguin
Assistant Director

Be at the heart of your Chapter’s decisions and orientations


The description of some of the positions is already provided for in the CMVA By-laws. However, at the request of members and to facilitate recruitment, the Quebec chapter created a document so that anyone interested in a position within the chapter executive is aware of the tasks inherent to it.

Download the Quebec Chapter Executive Committee roles

Another motivation is at the source of this document: that each member can take on a clear mandate and carry it out, and thus be recognized for their contribution to the association. Event planning will also be more efficient, each having specific tasks related to their position.

This is a local initiative of the Quebec chapter. However, any other CMVA chapter  interested in adopting or building on this model is encouraged to do so. These descriptions are given as a guide, do not have the force of law and may be updated as the executive or chapter members see fit. Only the job descriptions provided for in the CMVA By-laws have force of law.

If you are interested in contributing to the life of your Chapter and be at the heart of decisions and orientations, please contact the CMVA Executive Director at  who will put you in touch with a member of the Executive Comittee of your chapter.

To access chapter meeting minutes

you must log in as a member using the LOGIN function at the top right corner of this page.