Come ZOOM with us and learn – “3 KEYS TO USEFUL DOMAIN DATA” and “ORDER MEASUREMENTS -order normalize, order track, order analysis” British Columbia Chapter Annual General Meeting
- By Anne-Marie Samson
- 4 years ago
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CMVA British Colombia Chapter will hold its Annual General Meeting on
Thursday April 15, 2021, from 9 am to 12:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time).
The meeting will be held online using the Zoom platform.
- Chapter business and chapter election
from 9 to 9:20 am
- Chapter business and chapter election
- Technical presentations :
3 Keys to Useful Time Domain Data,
with Mr. Grant Akitt, PDM Technologies, from 9:20 to 10:50 AM
Mr. Grant Akitt is the Owner of PDM Technologies and has worked in the Vibration Analysis industry for 30 years. He holds a B.A.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Ottawa and is a Licensed Professional Engineer. Grant is Certified Category 3 with the CMVA and is currently the President of the Ontario Chapter. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the CMVA and is a member of the Technical Committee.
Order Measurements – Order Normalize, Order Track, Order Analysis, with Mr. Ron Newman, NAVAJO Technical, from 11 am to 12:30 pm
Mr. Ron Newman is a CAT IV Vibration Analyst (Certification # M-129938-01), accredited BSc, and has been involved in machinery vibration and acoustics for 40+ years. Beginning with IRD Mechanalysis, he then spent a short time with Schenck-Trebel, and a further 23 years with Bruel & Kjaer, before joining PRÜFTECHNIK Canada. Throughout his career he has provided training seminars, workshops, and served as a contract instructor of sound and vibration at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Currently, Ron acts as senior instructor for Mobius CAT I, CAT II and CAT III courses and looks forward to providing vibration training to his Canadian colleagues with certification thru the Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA).
- Technical presentations :
To sign up for this meeting
Members may participate for free. Non-members cost is $100.
Become a CMVA member ($120/year) and attend free of charge all year-round to chapter technical meetings, amongst other benefits!
Preregistration is required for this Zoom event
Register for the British Columbia Technical Conference here
BC chapter is looking for more volunteers to participate on the chapter executive. All current positions are up for election and new positions being added will be announced at the “meeting” portion of this event.
As a reminder, individuals presenting at chapter and national events or deciding to help on a Chapter Executive Committee or National Board of Directors will earn valuable points towards recertification.
Colin Ostergard, BC Chapter President,