Calling all Francophone CMVA members & colleagues!

  • By Anne-Marie Samson
  • 3 years ago
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*** If you have colleagues, customers or service providers in predictive maintenance technologies who speak French, this message may be of interest to them.***
The CMVA strives to provide the same opportunities for our French members and analysts that are available for English members and analysts. As an association, some of the effort and responsibility for this service falls  to CMVA’s francophone members, and we call upon you for immediate  support.
The CMVA’s annual technical conference is planned to have 3 components or streams but has not received enough French content to offer a full French component. Without a full French component, it may not be as appealing for francophone vibration specialists to travel to Niagara Falls for the conference. For the French component to proceed we require approximately 10 additional presentations, or short courses. As our membership comprises of approximately 29% francophone members, we hope members will step forward to bridge this gap.
If the French component cannot be committed to due to lack of participation, it is important that people are notified in advance so they can confirm plans to participate, or not, at this upcoming learning event at Niagara. For this reason, commitments (in the form of an up to 300-word abstract) of French content must be received by August 23rd.
INFORMATION : Ken | 416 622-1170 |