Reciprocating Compressor High Frame Vibration – Case Study- Nisarg Talati & Alexandre Gauthier
- By Emily McKinley
- 8 months ago
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This case study tells the story of a one-of-a-kind reciprocating compressor failure mode captured with a Prognost protection and condition monitoring system. The compressor tripped suddenly on a high crankcase vibration event without any leading indicator. A systematic analytical approach will be presented from the trip event that trigger the protection system, through a complete compressor vibration signature analysis and risk review that led to an adequate decision-making process. Plausible failure modes hypothesis will be presented based on compressor dynamic and load characteristics. A targeted scope of works based on data and fact will be presented. Mechanical inspection findings with analysis of primary component failure mechanism and secondary damage propagation will be reviewed. A failure mode timeline will be reconstructed based on sound mechanical engineering concepts and asset operation understanding. A final discussion on protection system effectiveness and optimization will be done to reduce the consequence on health & safety, environmental, regulatory and financial receptors on up coming issues. Asset reliability is a journey, we must learn from asset failures to improve system effectiveness and improve operational safety.