In search of data

  • By Kaitlyn Akitt
  • 2 months ago
  • Shares


The CMVA is trying to do more for its members, but we need your input.

Not convinced to participate? Think of it this way… the CMVA is the plant,  its members are the machinery. The CMVA only runs smoothly if the machinery runs smoothly. Rather than waiting for a machine to have a problem (a complaint, a need, etc.) we would like to use technology to monitor the health (happiness) of the machinery. We have some “sensors” (surveys) ready to put in place so that we can start collecting data on our machines and would like to do so at standard running speeds. Where this gets tricky, is that, unlike machines, people can choose not to participate… please consider participating in the surveys below as other methods of data collection (such as impact-response testing) are not ideal for use on people…

There are three surveys below, but only two will apply to each person (depending on whether or not you attended the 2024 National ATC). Each survey has only 6 quick questions (multiple choice/rate out of ten), and 1 or 2 open-ended questions. We appreciate as much input as you are willing to give but you are not required to answer all of the questions to submit the surveys. The surveys are also anonymous.

ATC Feedback Survey


Didn’t attend 2024’s national ATC?


National ATC – Help us to help you!