Technical day and AGM Quebec Chapter May 29, 2024

  • By Anne-Marie Samson
  • 7 months ago
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The CMVA Quebec chapter will hold its Technical day under the theme Acoustics for the vibration analyst, and its AGM on

Wednesday May 29, 2024
from 8:30 AM to 4:30PM (EDT)

Attend this meeting in person at
École de technologie supérieure
Pavilion D, room D-3025
1219 William St., Montréal, QC H3C 1R1

Access: Pavilion B parking or Bonaventure Metro Station

Please note that this meeting is exclusively held in French.


8:30 to 9 AM : Welcome

9 AM: Opening remarks by the president of the Quebec chapter

9:15 to 10:15 AM:
Acoustique pour analyste de vibration et discussion, by François Lafleur, retired from Hydro-Québec and Mentor of the CMVA Quebec chapter

10:15 to 10:45 AM:
Normes de bruit en usine et mesures dosimétriques, by Marc Larose, Dalimar

10:45 to 11 AM: Health break

11 AM until noon:
Annual general meeting and elections Quebec chapter. Call to meeting will be sent by email to Quebec chapter members.

Noon to 1 PM: Lunch

Starting at 1 PM – with health break
Amortissement vibratoire des plaques microperforées, by Lucie Galleran, École de technologie supérieure

Simulation de défauts des grands alternateurs, by Rony Ibrahim, École de technologie supérieure

Survol des travaux en vibroacoustique à l’IREQ, by Mathieu Soares, Centre de recherche Hydro-Québec

Maintenance prédictive et détection de défaillances grâce aux  apprentissages automatiques, par Sasan Sattarpanah Karganroudi, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

More presentations could be added.

4:14 PM: Closing remarks


To register for this meeting

Members are admitted for free.
Non-member admission $100.

Become a CMVA member ($150/year) and attend chapter meetings and technical presentations, year-round, among other benefits!

Follow this links to purchase your access to this meeting, or to become a member.

A reminder that individuals who present at chapter and national events or who decide to participate on a chapter executive committee or national board of directors will earn valuable points toward recertification.

Additional information :

Anne-Marie Samson | | 438 821-5912