Prairie Chapter AGM & Technical Conference

  • By Anne-Marie Samson
  • 4 years ago
  • Shares

CMVA Prairie Chapter will hold its AGM and Technical Conference

Thursday June 10, 2021, from 1 to 4 pm (Mountain Time).

The meeting will be held online using the Zoom platform.


    • Chapter meeting
      from 1 to 2:30 pm

        • Call Meeting to Order by President Greg Poirier
        • Last Meeting Minutes of October 15, 2020 by Scott Lylander
        • Membership Report by Mark Shoup
        • Treasurer’s Report by Jacob Wiebenga
        • $1000 CMVA Prairie Chapter William F. Eckert Memorial Bursary on websites.
        • Election of chapter executives:

Mentor: Greg Poirier
President: Gurwinder Bhambra
Vice President: Ryan Goddard
Treasurer: Jacob Wiebenga
Technical Director: Scott Lylander
Secretary North: Greg Poirier
Secretary South: Scott Lylander
Membership Chair: Mark Shoup
Please let Greg Poirier ( know if you like to run for the above positions.

        • New Business: members bring forth other items to discuss. Possible new motions.

    • Technical presentation :

with Mr. Mike Greer, from 2:45 to 4 pm

Historical condition monitoring programs primarily rely on the manual periodic collection and analysis of interval based information. Automation of acquisition, reduction in device costs have seen widespread utilization of wireless technologies that include vibration in both process and maintenance applications. Leveraging previous investments can improve integration efficiency and reduce implementation costs with parameter and alarm management strategies.

This paper will review considerations and lessons learned when implementing large scale adoption of Wireless Vibration devices on Balance of Plant rotating Equipment. Investigation onto the challenges of security, process integration parameter selection and alarm management and storage strategies will be explored, utilizing recent case studies.

Digital transformation is here to stay, existing collection methods of vibration information are being augmented or replace with automated solutions, and modifying work processes and reliability strategies. Dynamic Machine Learning and AI applications require Realtime information not available in monthly periodic collection intervals, the role of vibration collection and analysis to identify machine condition has advance to a dynamic contributor to the evaluation of production risk.

About the presenter:
Mike Greer P. Eng CMMS has been involved with the creation support and utilization of 140+ Vibration Based Condition Monitoring Programs since 1991. From data collection manual and automated analysis, program management, he brings a unique perspective to an industry function that has been currently evolving from industry beginnings. Currently part of Spartan Controls Reliability Solutions Team, he has for the last 10 years been integrating 1st and 2nd Generation Wireless Vibration into most major condition monitoring departments in Western Canada.

Who should Attend:
As this presentation involves concepts from Couplings to Cloud” (C2C) applications, maintenance and reliability practitioners should attend. Process instrumentation professionals would benefit as understanding differences between wireless and process devices can always be improved.

  • To sign up for this meeting

Members may participate for free. Non-members cost is $100.
Become a CMVA member ($120/year) and attend free of charge all year-round to chapter technical meetings, amongst other benefits!

To proceed to payment of your membership or your access to this conference, please go to the CMVA Store.

Preregistration is required for this Zoom event
Register for the Prairie Technical Conference here

As a reminder, individuals presenting at chapter and national events or deciding to help on a Chapter Executive Committee or National Board of Directors will earn valuable points towards recertification.

Greg Poirier, President, Prairie Chapter,